A bouquet of flowers has the power to say a thousand words, to spread happiness, to soothe and console, to celebrate and heal. Court Florist has an established collection of arrangements and bouquets designed specifically for your special occasions. Created from the freshest of local flowers and crafted with love, our flowers always raise a smile.
However, not all Court Florist’s customers choose our selected designs to send flowers to Christchurch NZ. When you have a clear vision of how you want your flowers to look either for a room you are decorating or to convey a special gesture, our specialist florists are on call. Court Florist’s creative team help to translate your floral vison into reality. People often assume custom flower bouquets are exclusively for the rich and famous, but as the best florist in Christchurch, New Zealand, be assured bespoke bouquets are accessible for all.
Whether you are looking for occasion flowers for a milestone birthday, custom funeral flowers, engagement flowers or a bespoke bouquet to dress a room, you can collaborate with us to create a truly special and one-off design.
You can let your imagination run wild when you are visualising custom flowers; however, you do need to be realistic about what your budget can afford. Don’t be shy about contacting us directly or visiting the flower shop on Victoria Street, Christchurch to explore your options.
If a flower arrangement is required to dress a room or table, take a picture of the space, and share it with your florist. The Court Florist team are highly skilled at creating custom flower arrangements for specific locations and consider lighting, colour, dimensions and more.
The great joy of a bespoke bouquet is you can incorporate fine details into its creation to truly resonate with the recipient. Tell your florist about the person – their personality, their favourite colours, the teams they support – these details impact the style of the bouquet from the types of flowers chosen, the ribbon colour, or whether a contemporary flower arrangement is more relevant than traditional. A custom bouquet is the ultimate in personalised flowers.
If you see online floral arrangements or see flowers you love in real life, take a picture of the blooms. Whether it’s the colours, flower types or the structure of the flower arrangement, it will help us explore your vision.
Throughout history, flowers have been used for their symbolism. For example, azaleas symbolise femininity, and lilies represent purity and fertility. The clearer you are about the message you wish to convey, the more sentimental the custom flowers can become.
If you have any questions or queries about how we can help your vision become a reality, get in touch. The talented team at Court Florist Christchurch are experts at helping our clients navigate the world of custom bouquets. Call on 03 379 8255 or click here to email.